Coinbox Hero

Coinbox Hero

By: Armor Games. Category: Other Fun Games. Played 2,035 times today, 55,057 times all-time.

Coinbox Hero: Collect thousands of coins! So simple but so addictive: Will you be able to stop playing? Rated 4 out of 5 with 38 ratings

Instructions: COINS! SO MANY COINS! Basically you want to collect coins. Lots of them. Then use the stores on the left to buy upgrades. If you're efficient and use good purchasing strategies, you can get lots of coins. Eventually you can buy a high-priced item and win the game. It's addictive! And the music will get stuck in your head. (Move around with the arrow keys, press up to jump, spacebar to interact. It'll give you a full tutorial in the game.)

How to bookmark this game: Press Ctrl-D. Or try Command-D on Mac

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